At Riverside Matakana, we're here to assist you and make your experience with us as smooth as possible. Whether you have inquiries about our accommodation, conference venue , or the enchanting Matakana region, our team is ready to help.
Monday to Friday - 8.00am to 6.00pm
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays - 9.00am to 4.00pm
After hours Emergency Contact - Michael Bolton on 021773022
170 Green Road,
North Auckland,
New Zealand

Directions to Riverside Matakana
Riverside Matakana is located at 170 Green Road, Matakana. If driving from Auckland, you will take a right turn along the ridge just before Matakana Village.
To reach Riverside Matakana from Auckland
Travel north along State Highway One, 55 kilometres from the CBD. At Warkworth pass two sets of traffic lights and cross a bridge before turning right at the traffic lights and taking the seconr road on your right which is Sandspit Road. Immediately turn left into Matakana Road. Continue 7.8 kms, then just before reaching Matakana Village, turn right into Green Road. Travel 3.5km along Green Road until you arrive at 170. Look for the large curved stone wall with the Riverside Matakana sign.